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Please read through my Terms of Service before submitting a commission request.

▼ NOTE ▼

  • No limit on the number of requests you can apply for.

  • If you apply for multiple types, please organize them in an email or Google spreadsheet and submit them.

  • If necessary, you can send it by e-mail. (

  • Please. Do not send me a your selfi. I'm not curious about your real face.

  • FF14 for a certain period: Reject all commission requests related to Hyowol's End Expansion Pack. (Only Allows requests that do not contain spoilers.)

▼ FORM ▼

name & contact : (ex. sakura, @__sakura0_0 for DM)

payment e-mail : (I request a remittance to the address you filled out.)

TYPE / People : (ex. popsicle / 2people)


(*There is no limit on the number of requests that can be applied.)

(*Please attach a link where we can reference the character, such as Google Drive, Excel sheet, etc......)

(*If you don't have an idea, Leave it to me!)

(*If you are applying for multiple types, please list the type and name separately..)

-(ex. 1 : ♠♠type)

(ex. A character, B character)

-(ex. 2 : ◇◇type)

(ex. A character, B character)

-character1 : (ex. A Position)

-character2 : (ex. B Position)

-memo : (*Fill in the required specials for each type)

Fill out the form and send the DM to @cms_lyps.

I will send you a message after I review your application.

Thank you for your request! :)

Copyright 2020. LYPS all rights reserved.
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