Please read through my Terms of Service before submitting a commission request.
▼ NOTE ▼
No limit on the number of requests you can apply for.
If you apply for multiple types, please organize them in an email or Google spreadsheet and submit them.
If necessary, you can send it by e-mail. (
Please. Do not send me a your selfi. I'm not curious about your real face.
FF14 for a certain period: Reject all commission requests related to Hyowol's End Expansion Pack. (Only Allows requests that do not contain spoilers.)
▼ FORM ▼
name & contact : (ex. sakura, @__sakura0_0 for DM)
payment e-mail : (I request a remittance to the address you filled out.)
TYPE / People : (ex. popsicle / 2people)
(*There is no limit on the number of requests that can be applied.)
(*Please attach a link where we can reference the character, such as Google Drive, Excel sheet, etc......)
(*If you don't have an idea, Leave it to me!)
(*If you are applying for multiple types, please list the type and name separately..)
-(ex. 1 : ♠♠type)
(ex. A character, B character)
-(ex. 2 : ◇◇type)
(ex. A character, B character)
-character1 : (ex. A Position)
-character2 : (ex. B Position)
-memo : (*Fill in the required specials for each type)
Fill out the form and send the DM to @cms_lyps.
I will send you a message after I review your application.
Thank you for your request! :)